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Code Spell Checker

코드 작성시 잘못된 Spell을 체크해주는 Extension

영어만 가능

3글자 이상부터 체크

모든 기호 및 부호는 무시







제안 목록을 보려면:
단어에 커서를 놓으면 다음 중 하나가 제안 목록을 표시합니다:
왼쪽 여백에 있는 💡(라이트 전구)를 클릭합니다.
빠른 수정 편집기 작업 명령:
Mac: ⌘+. or Cmd+.
PC: Ctrl+.


Supported Languages

▪ English (US)

English (GB) - turn on by changing "cSpell.language": "en" to "cSpell.language": "en-GB"


Enable File Types


  C, C++


  css, less, scss












  Pug / Jade











Enable / Disable File Types

1. Status bar에서 Spell Checker status 클릭

2. Screen에서 체크 박스 클릭



Enable / Disable checking sections of code

코드 내에서 comment 추가로 spell checker를 Enable / Disable 할 수 있음


Disable Checking

  /* cSpell:disable */

  /* spell-checker: disable */

  /* spellchecker: disable */

  /* cspell: disable-line */

  /* cspell: disable-next-line */

Enable Checking

  /* cSpell:enable */

  /* spell-checker: enable */

  /* spellchecker: enable */



// cSpell:disable
const wackyWord = ['zaallano', 'wooorrdd', 'zzooommmmmmmm'];
/* cSpell:enable */

// Nest disable / enable is not Supported

// spell-checker:disable
// It is now disabled.

var liep = 1;

/* cspell:disable */
// It is still disabled

// cSpell:enable
// It is now enabled

const str = 'goededag'; // <- will be flagged as an error.

// spell-checker:enable <- doesn't do anything

// cSPELL:DISABLE <-- also works.

// if there isn't an enable, spelling is disabled till the end of the file.
const str = 'goedemorgen'; // <- will NOT be flagged as an error.



// cSpell:ignore zaallano, wooorrdd
// cSpell:ignore zzooommmmmmmm
const wackyWord = ['zaallano', 'wooorrdd', 'zzooommmmmmmm'];


VS Code Configuration Settings

    //-------- Code Spell Checker Configuration --------
    // The Language locale to use when spell checking. "en", "en-US" and "en-GB" are currently supported by default.
    "cSpell.language": "en",

    // Controls the maximum number of spelling errors per document.
    "cSpell.maxNumberOfProblems": 100,

    // Controls the number of suggestions shown.
    "cSpell.numSuggestions": 8,

    // The minimum length of a word before checking it against a dictionary.
    "cSpell.minWordLength": 4,

    // Specify file types to spell check.
    "cSpell.enabledLanguageIds": [

    // Enable / Disable the spell checker.
    "cSpell.enabled": true,

    // Display the spell checker status on the status bar.
    "cSpell.showStatus": true,

    // Words to add to dictionary for a workspace.
    "cSpell.words": [],

    // Enable / Disable compound words like 'errormessage'
    "cSpell.allowCompoundWords": false,

    // Words to be ignored and not suggested.
    "cSpell.ignoreWords": ["behaviour"],

    // User words to add to dictionary.  Should only be in the user settings.
    "cSpell.userWords": [],

    // Specify paths/files to ignore.
    "cSpell.ignorePaths": [
        "node_modules",        // this will ignore anything the node_modules directory
        "**/node_modules",     // the same for this one
        "**/node_modules/**",  // the same for this one
        "node_modules/**",     // Doesn't currently work due to how the current working directory is determined.
        "vscode-extension",    //
        ".git",                // Ignore the .git directory
        "*.dll",               // Ignore all .dll files.
        "**/*.dll"             // Ignore all .dll files

    // flagWords - list of words to be always considered incorrect
    // This is useful for offensive words and common spelling errors.
    // For example "hte" should be "the"`
    "cSpell.flagWords": ["hte"],

    // Set the delay before spell checking the document. Default is 50.
    "cSpell.spellCheckDelayMs": 50,



General Dictionaries

▪ wordsEn - Derived from Hunspell US English words.

  wordsEnGb - Derived from Hunspell GB English words.

  companies - List of well known companies

  softwareTerms - Software Terms and concepts like "coroutine", "debounce", "tree", etc.

  misc - Terms that do not belong in the other dictionaries.

  Programming Language Dictionaries

  typescript - keywords for Typescript and Javascript

  node - terms related to using nodejs.

  php - php keywords and library methods

  go - go keywords and library methods

  python - python keywords

  powershell - powershell keywords

  html - html related keywords

  css - css, less, and scss related keywords

Miscellaneous Dictionaries

  fonts - long list of fonts - to assist with css

"cSpell.languageSettings": [
    { "languageId": '*',      "locale": 'en',              "dictionaries": ['wordsEn'] },
    { "languageId": '*',      "locale": 'en-US',           "dictionaries": ['wordsEn'] },
    { "languageId": '*',      "locale": 'en-GB',           "dictionaries": ['wordsEnGb'] },
    { "languageId": '*',                                   "dictionaries": ['companies', 'softwareTerms', 'misc'] },
    { "languageId": "python", "allowCompoundWords": true,  "dictionaries": ["python"]},
    { "languageId": "go",     "allowCompoundWords": true,  "dictionaries": ["go"] },
    { "languageId": "javascript",                          "dictionaries": ["typescript", "node"] },
    { "languageId": "javascriptreact",                     "dictionaries": ["typescript", "node"] },
    { "languageId": "typescript",                          "dictionaries": ["typescript", "node"] },
    { "languageId": "typescriptreact",                     "dictionaries": ["typescript", "node"] },
    { "languageId": "html",                                "dictionaries": ["html", "fonts", "typescript", "css"] },
    { "languageId": "php",                                 "dictionaries": ["php", "html", "fonts", "css", "typescript"] },
    { "languageId": "css",                                 "dictionaries": ["fonts", "css"] },
    { "languageId": "less",                                "dictionaries": ["fonts", "css"] },
    { "languageId": "scss",                                "dictionaries": ["fonts", "css"] },



interface Settings {
    'cSpell.customDictionaries': {
        [name: string]: CustomDictionary;

interface CustomDictionary {
     * @title Name of Dictionary
     * The reference name of the dictionary.
     * Example: `My Words` or `custom`
     * If they name matches a pre-defined dictionary, it will override the pre-defined dictionary.
     * If you use: `typescript` it will replace the built-in TypeScript dictionary.
    name?: DictionaryId;

     * @title Description of the Dictionary
     * Optional: A human readable description.
    description?: string;

     * @title Path to Dictionary Text File
     * Define the path to the dictionary text file.
     * **Note:** if path is `undefined` the `name`d dictionary is expected to be found
     * in the `dictionaryDefinitions`.
     * File Format: Each line in the file is considered a dictionary entry.
     * Case is preserved while leading and trailing space is removed.
     * The path should be absolute, or relative to the workspace.
     * **Example:** relative to User's folder
     * ```
     * ~/dictionaries/custom_dictionary.txt
     * ```
     * **Example:** relative to the `client` folder in a multi-root workspace
     * ```
     * ${workspaceFolder:client}/build/custom_dictionary.txt
     * ```
     * **Example:** relative to the current workspace folder in a single-root workspace
     * **Note:** this might no as expected in a multi-root workspace since it is based upon the relative
     * workspace for the currently open file.
     * ```
     * ${workspaceFolder}/build/custom_dictionary.txt
     * ```
     * **Example:** relative to the workspace folder in a single-root workspace or the first folder in
     * a multi-root workspace
     * ```
     * ./build/custom_dictionary.txt
     * ```
    path?: FsPath;

     * @title Add Words to Dictionary
     * Indicate if this custom dictionary should be used to store added words.
     * @default true
    addWords?: boolean;

     * @title Scope of dictionary
     * Options are
     * - `user` - words that apply to all projects and workspaces
     * - `workspace` - words that apply to the entire workspace
     * - `folder` - words that apply to only a workspace folder
    scope?: CustomDictionaryScope | CustomDictionaryScope[];








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