




참조 : 


Visual Studio Marketplace

Extensions for Visual Studio family of products on Visual Studio Marketplace



Material Icon Theme

VS Code 안에 Material Icon으로 표시해주는 Extenstion


Icon images

File icons
Folder icons



Folder Colors

명령 창에서 'Material Icons: Change Folder Color' 선택 후 원하는 색상 선택

또는 사용자 설정에서 색상 설정

"material-icon-theme.folders.color": "#ef5350",


Folder Themes

명령 창에서 변경 가능

또는 사용자 설정에서 변경

"material-icon-theme.folders.theme": "specific"


외에도 사용자 설정으로 opacity, saturation 등 설정 가능 


'Ctrl+Shift+P'를 눌러서 Command 팔레트에서 Material icon 타입 선택


Activate Icon Theme Activate the icon theme.
Change Folder Color Change the color of the folder icons.
Change Folder Theme Change the design of the folder icons.
Change Opacity Change the opacity of the icons.
Change Saturation Change the saturation value of the icons.
Configure Icon Packs Select an icon pack that enables additional icons (e.g. for Angular, React, Ngrx).
Hide Folder Arrows Hides the arrows next to the folder icons.
Restore Default Configuration Reset the default configurations of the icon theme.
Toggle Grayscale Sets the saturation of the icons to zero, so that they are grayscale.












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