



엑셀 파일

Sample Sheet File.xlsx


엑셀 파일 구성

예제 실행시 사용하였던 엑셀 파일 데이터 및 시트 정보

▪ 3행 4열 데이터셋

셀 데이터

▪ 3개 시트로 구성

엑셀 시트 정보


엑셀 시트 복사

import openpyxl

from openpyxl import workbook

# You must change the physical path before running this script.
currPath = "C:/Users/natio/OneDrive - 성균관대학교/99. Personal Blog/05. Python/05. OPENPYXL_XLRD_XLWT/01. Excel Sheet/"

# Load the excel file
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=currPath+"Sample Sheet File.xlsx")

# Copy Sheet
wb.copy_worksheet(wb["Sample Sheet"])

# Copied sheet Name is added 'Copy' at the end of the name.


 ['Sample Sheet', 'Sample Sheet (2)', 'Sample Sheet (3)', 'Sample Sheet Copy']


엑셀 시트 이름 변경

import openpyxl

from openpyxl import workbook

# You must change the physical path before running this script.
currPath = "C:/Users/natio/OneDrive - 성균관대학교/99. Personal Blog/05. Python/05. OPENPYXL_XLRD_XLWT/01. Excel Sheet/"

# Load the excel file
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=currPath+"Sample Sheet File.xlsx")

# Copy Sheet
copy_Sheet = wb.copy_worksheet(wb["Sample Sheet"])

# Copied sheet Name is added 'Copy' at the end of the name

# Change the copied sheet name
copy_Sheet.title = "Duplicate Sheet"

# Confirm the Sheet names


 ['Sample Sheet', 'Sample Sheet (2)', 'Sample Sheet (3)', 'Sample Sheet Copy']
 ['Sample Sheet', 'Sample Sheet (2)', 'Sample Sheet (3)', 'Duplicate Sheet']

Openpyxl 함수 모음





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