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코드에 에러가 있을 경우 해당 줄을 하이라이트하여 알려줌
▪ Diagnostic된 라인 하이라이트
▪ 행 끝에 진단한 항목에 대해 텍스트 첨부
▪ 아이콘으로 경고, 에러에 대해 표시
▪ Status bar에 메시지 디스플레이
Command | Description |
errorLens.toggle | Error Lens: Toggle (Enable/Disable) Everything (toggle global setting errorLens.enabled) |
errorLens.toggleError | Error Lens: Enable/Disable Errors in errorLens.enabledDiagnosticLevels setting. |
errorLens.toggleWarning | Error Lens: Enable/Disable Warnings in errorLens.enabledDiagnosticLevels setting. |
errorLens.toggleInfo | Error Lens: Enable/Disable Info in errorLens.enabledDiagnosticLevels setting. |
errorLens.toggleHint | Error Lens: Enable/Disable Hint in errorLens.enabledDiagnosticLevels setting. |
errorLens.copyProblemMessage | Error Lens: Copy problem message to the clipboard (at the active cursor). |
Setting | Default | Description |
enabled | true | Controls all decorations and features (except commands). |
fontFamily | "" | Font family of inline message. |
fontWeight | "normal" | Font weight of inline message. "normal" is alias for 400, "bold" is alias for 700). |
fontStyleItalic | false | When enabled - shows inline message in italic font style. |
fontSize | "" | Font size of inline message (CSS units). |
margin | "4ch" | Distance between the last word on the line and the start of inline message (CSS units). |
padding | "" | Padding of the inline message. Visible when #errorLens.messageBackgroundMode# is set to "message". |
borderRadius | "3px" | Border radius of the inline message. Visible when #errorLens.messageBackgroundMode# is set to "message". |
enabledDiagnosticLevels | ["error","warning","info"] | Customize which diagnostic levels to highlight. |
messageTemplate | "$message" | Template used for all inline messages. Whitespace between items is important. List of variables: - $message - diagnostic message text - $count - Number of diagnostics on the line - $severity - Severity prefix taken from #errorLens.severityText# - $source - Source of diagnostic e.g. "eslint" - $code - Code of the diagnostic |
messageMaxChars | 500 | Cut off inline message if it's longer than this value. (Improves performance when the diagnostic message is long). |
severityText | ["ERROR","WARNING","INFO","HINT"] | Replaces $severity variable in #errorLens.messageTemplate#. |
messageEnabled | true | Controls whether inline message is shown or not (Including background highlight). |
messageBackgroundMode | "line" | Controls how inline message is highlighted in the editor (entire line / only message / none). |
statusBarIconsEnabled | false | When enabled - shows highlighted error/warning icons in status bar. |
statusBarIconsPriority | -9000 | Move status bar icons left or right by adjasting the number priority. |
statusBarIconsAlignment | "left" | Choose on which side the icons status bar is on: left or right. |
statusBarIconsUseBackground | true | When enabled - highlights status bar icons with background, when disabled - with foreground. |
statusBarIconsAtZero | "hide" | What to do when there are 0 errors/warnings - hide the item or strip its background color. |
statusBarMessageEnabled | false | When enabled - shows message in status bar. |
statusBarMessagePriority | -10000 | Move status bar message left or right by adjasting the number priority. |
statusBarMessageAlignment | "left" | Choose on which side the message status bar is on: left or right. |
statusBarColorsEnabled | false | When enabled - use message decoration foreground as color of Status Bar text. |
statusBarMessageType | "activeLine" | Pick what to show in Status Bar: closest message or only message for the active line. |
statusBarCommand | "goToProblem" | Pick command that activates on click for Status Bar. |
statusBarMessageTemplate | "" | Template for status bar message. Whitespace between items is important. List of variables: - $message - diagnostic message text - $count - Number of diagnostics on the line - $severity - Severity prefix taken from #errorLens.severityText# - $source - Source of diagnostic e.g. "eslint" - $code - Code of the diagnostic |
exclude | [] | Specify messages that should not be highlighted (RegExp). Strings passed to the RegExp constructor: new RegExp(EXCLUDE_ITEM, 'i'); |
excludeBySource | [] | Specify sources that should not be highlighted (string). Example: ["eslint"] |
excludePatterns | [] | Exclude files by using glob pattern. Example ["**/*.{ts,js}"] |
light | Specify color of decorations for when the light color theme is active. | |
delay | 0 | Delay (ms) before showing problem decorations (0 to disable). Minimum delay of 500 is enforced by the extension. New errors will be added with this delay; old errors that were fixed should disappear faster. |
onSave | false | When enabled - updates decorations only on document save (manual). |
onSaveTimeout | 1000 | Time period (ms) that used for showing decorations after the document save. |
enableOnDiffView | false | Enable decorations when viewing a diff view in the editor (e.g. Git diff). |
followCursor | "allLines" | Highlight only portion of the problems. |
followCursorMore | 0 | Augments #errorLens.followCursor#. Adds number of lines to top and bottom when #errorLens.followCursor# is set to activeLine. Adds number of closest problems when #errorLens.followCursor# is closestProblem |
gutterIconsEnabled | false | When enabled - shows gutter icons (In place of the debug breakpoint icon). |
gutterIconsFollowCursorOverride | true | When enabled and #errorLens.followCursor# setting is not allLines, then gutter icons would be rendered for all problems. But line decorations (background, message) only for active line. |
gutterIconSize | "100%" | Change gutter icon size. Examples: auto, contain, cover, 50%, 150%. |
gutterIconSet | "default" | Change gutter icon style. |
errorGutterIconPath | "" | Absolute path to error gutter icon. |
warningGutterIconPath | "" | Absolute path to warning gutter icon. |
infoGutterIconPath | "" | Absolute path to info gutter icon. |
errorGutterIconColor | "#e45454" | Error color of circle gutter icon set. |
warningGutterIconColor | "#ff942f" | Warning color of circle gutter icon set. |
infoGutterIconColor | "#00b7e4" | Info color of circle gutter icon set. |
removeLinebreaks | true | When enabled - replaces line breaks in inline diagnostic message with whitespaces. |
scrollbarHackEnabled | false | When enabled - prevents showing horizontal scrollbar in editor (caused by inline decorations). |
Color | Dark | Light | HC | Description |
errorLens.errorBackground | #e454541b | #e4545420 | #e454541b | Background color of the entire line containing error. |
errorLens.errorMessageBackground | #e4545419 | #e4545419 | #e4545419 | Background color of the error message. |
errorLens.errorBackgroundLight | #e4545420 | #e4545420 | #e4545420 | Background color of the entire line containing error (Only in light themes). |
errorLens.errorForeground | #ff6464 | #e45454 | #ff6464 | Text color used to highlight lines containing errors. |
errorLens.errorForegroundLight | #e45454 | #e45454 | #e45454 | Text color used to highlight lines containing errors (Only in light themes). |
errorLens.warningBackground | #ff942f1b | #ff942f20 | #ff942f1b | Background color used to highlight lines containing warnings. |
errorLens.warningMessageBackground | #ff942f19 | #ff942f19 | #ff942f19 | Background color of the warning message. |
errorLens.warningBackgroundLight | #ff942f20 | #ff942f20 | #ff942f20 | Background color used to highlight lines containing warnings (Only in light themes). |
errorLens.warningForeground | #fa973a | #ff942f | #fa973a | Text color used to highlight lines containing warnings. |
errorLens.warningForegroundLight | #ff942f | #ff942f | #ff942f | Text color used to highlight lines containing warnings (Only in light themes). |
errorLens.infoBackground | #00b7e420 | #00b7e420 | #00b7e420 | Background color used to highlight lines containing info. |
errorLens.infoMessageBackground | #00b7e419 | #00b7e419 | #00b7e419 | Background color of the info message. |
errorLens.infoBackgroundLight | #00b7e420 | #00b7e420 | #00b7e420 | Background color used to highlight lines containing info (Only in light themes). |
errorLens.infoForeground | #00b7e4 | #00b7e4 | #00b7e4 | Text color used to highlight lines containing info. |
errorLens.infoForegroundLight | #00b7e4 | #00b7e4 | #00b7e4 | Text color used to highlight lines containing info (Only in light themes). |
errorLens.hintBackground | #17a2a220 | #17a2a220 | #17a2a220 | Background color used to highlight lines containing hints. |
errorLens.hintMessageBackground | #17a2a219 | #17a2a219 | #17a2a219 | Background color of the hint message. |
errorLens.hintBackgroundLight | #17a2a220 | #17a2a220 | #17a2a220 | Background color used to highlight lines containing hints (Only in light themes). |
errorLens.hintForeground | #2faf64 | #2faf64 | #2faf64 | Text color used to highlight lines containing hints. |
errorLens.hintForegroundLight | #2faf64 | #2faf64 | #2faf64 | Text color used to highlight lines containing hints (Only in light themes). |
errorLens.statusBarIconErrorForeground | #ff6464 | #e45454 | #ff6464 | Status bar icon item error color. Foreground is used when the errorLens.statusBarIconsUseBackground setting is disabled. |
errorLens.statusBarIconWarningForeground | #fa973a | #ff942f | #fa973a | Status bar icon item error color. Foreground is used when the errorLens.statusBarIconsUseBackground setting is disabled. |
errorLens.statusBarErrorForeground | #ff6464 | #e45454 | #ff6464 | Status bar item error color. |
errorLens.statusBarWarningForeground | #fa973a | #ff942f | #fa973a | Status bar item warning color. |
errorLens.statusBarInfoForeground | #00b7e4 | #00b7e4 | #00b7e4 | Status bar item info color. |
errorLens.statusBarHintForeground | #2faf64 | #2faf64 | #2faf64 | Status bar item hint color. |
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